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Niagara region extends face covering bylaw

Late meeting heard from opponents to the face coverings – but council didn't sway
Photo: People wearing face masks / Getty Images

After a lengthy meeting in the regional council last night, members decided to extend the mandatory face-covering bylaw until April 1.

The decision came after seven delegations held presentations speaking out against the Niagara-wide requirement, citing research suggesting masks aren't working to stop the spread, and in some cases posed a threat to the Charter of Rights and freedom of expression.

It was in July that a second meeting dealing with the issue decided to pass the bylaw, requiring all visitors in public indoor spaces in the region, except those medically exempt, to wear a face-covering.

Five regional councilors voted against extending the bylaw, up by three from the original vote on the matter.

Regional councilor Leanna Villella from Welland said she changed her mind about face masks after hearing from constituents who were negatively affected by the requirement, as well as doing independent research on the matter.

"I am not able to support the extension, but it does not change my recommendation that you should do anything you can to stay healthy, she said, calling the decision 'one of the most difficult and heart-breaking' during her time as an elected official.

The new bylaw will remain in effect until April but can, at any time, be revisited and rescinded by the council.