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ThoroldToday does not participate in, nor is it a party to, any Classifieds transactions. ThoroldToday does not screen or control users who may sell or buy on Classifieds, nor does ThoroldToday review or authenticate all listings, items, or services offered for sale. We do our best to remove fraudulent or inappropriate listings with the help of our audience, who can report such listings to us.
ThoroldToday reserves the right to change these Guidelines at any time.
These guidelines have been created by members of our editorial staff, including the publisher, managing editor, reporters, and members of the community, incorporating feedback from our moderators and users.
We welcome your thoughtful feedback on the stories we write and the issues we cover. Our editors routinely review submissions and select only the most thoughtful and interesting feedback for publication.
You must be logged in to your account to submit Feedback for consideration
Our editors look for feedback that is:
Thoughtful, interesting, constructive and respectful
On topic
Contains new ideas. We are unlikely to publish a submission if it repeats a point that has already been made
Our editors will not select Feedback that contains:
Personal attacks: Name calling, threats and verbal abuse directed at another individual will not be tolerated.
Profanity: Keep it clean. Opinions can be expressed without foul language.
Spam: Messages promoting commercial entities or competing media sites
Racism, sexism and other discrimination: Attacking an individual or group of people for their gender, gender identity or expression, race, culture or belief(s) will not be tolerated.
Illegal activities: Libelous statements or comments that include false or unsubstantiated allegations
Offensive usernames: If your username includes words that are offensive or abusive, your account will be blocked.
You can delete your feedback at any time by clicking the ‘delete’ icon just below the post.
The online community at ThoroldToday exists to provide a platform for people to express their views on the stories making news headlines in our community. This community is shaped by the people who have a voice here. It is everyone’s responsibility to make it a place for intelligent, insightful and entertaining conversation. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so please debate the issues fairly and be constructive. In short:, no profanity, no insults, and no abuse.
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Our commenting platform is moderated by a program that filters comments based on tone, which encourages healthy debate and discussions. Rude, disrespectful and unreasonable comments are automatically sent to moderation via this tool.
Comments are also moderated by the community of readers and staff. This approach aims to elevate the tone of conversations. If a problematic comment slips through moderation, users can alert our moderators by flagging the comment.
Certain subjects — race, immigration, religion and sexual identity among them — unfortunately attract a high number of offensive and abusive comments that could be potentially libellous. For these reasons, we may choose to close comments preemptively.
Additionally, all comments posted overnight will not appear on the site immediately and will require moderation, so as to prevent inappropriate comments from being posted while our moderation team is unavailable.
When and why are comments closed?
What kinds of comments are removed?
You can delete your comment at any time by clicking the ‘delete’ icon just below your comment.
Journalists will respond to queries and/or concerns when time and situation allows.
If your comment has disappeared it is likely that it is under review by our moderators.
If you feel your comment has been removed for a reason that you feel does not comply with our Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can contact us at to appeal its removal.
Once we have reviewed your comments, we will contact you and let you know about our decision. If we determine that a mistake has been made, your comment will be reinstated. If we determine that the content was rightfully removed, we will contact you and provide you with a brief reason.
ThoroldToday provides Classifieds as a platform for our local individuals and businesses to connect with one another, to sell and buy items and to share announcements and events.
These listings are posted by our audience, not by ThoroldToday. Other than responding to suspected fraudulent or illegal listings, ThoroldToday does not participate in, nor is it a party to, any Classifieds transactions. Both Seller and Buyer should exercise caution and use their best judgement.
Posting Ads
Classifieds are posted directly by our audience, not by ThoroldToday staff. You need a ThoroldToday account in order to post.
You can post an ad using the “Post an Ad” link at the top of the Classifieds. Choose the most appropriate category and then enter a title, price and description. Avoid entering any personal or contact information, as people can respond to your ad through your ThoroldToday account.
Then, choose the type, which will have a free option for most categories, along with some paid options that will make your listing for more visible or make it stay up for longer. If you’re posting for a business, you must choose one of the paid business options.
If you choose a paid option, you will need to enter a credit card. If you’ve posted a paid ad before, there may already be a credit card saved to your account.
If you’d like to add a photo to your listing, click the SELECT button to locate the photo on your device that you would like to upload.
When everything is entered as you’d like, click the “Post Classified” button. If there are any errors, we’ll let you know so you can make any necessary corrections. Otherwise, your ad will immediately be posted to ThoroldToday.
Editing or Deleting Ads
You can view, edit, delete or renew your ads by clicking on My Ads at the top of the Classifieds.
You should delete your ad when your item sells.
ThoroldToday will do its best to remove any fraudulent or illegal listings in the Classifieds. You can help us by using the “Report this listing” link at the bottom of the listing if you suspect it is fraudulent or in violation of our rules.
Illegal Activities
You may not use ThoroldToday Classifieds for any fraudulent or illegal activity or purpose. Examples include but are not limited to:
Unethical or Dangerous Activities
You may not use ThoroldToday Classifieds for posting anything that ThoroldToday deems unethical or dangerous to the community. Examples include but not limited to:
ThoroldToday encourages you to post ads in Classifieds as long as they are not duplicates or other forms of spam, or otherwise inconsistent with our Guidelines or Terms of Service.
ThoroldToday may take action to delete classifieds ads and/or ThoroldToday user accounts that we believe are misusing this service.
Prohibited spam or otherwise impermissible marketing activities in ThoroldToday Classifieds may include, but are not limited to, the following:
All sellers / submitters must:
All buyers / respondents must:
ThoroldToday Classifieds offers a variety of pricing options depending on the category. Most categories have a free option, but some categories for high-value items like real estate or cars may not.
Most categories will have options for individuals and businesses. Businesses and other commercial enterprises (including home businesses) are required to choose the business option. If a business (or otherwise commercial ad) is posted using an individual option, the ad may be removed without notice.
Special Rules for Pets and Livestock
All animal breeder ads are considered business ads and must be placed as a paid business ad. Any ad selling animals on an ongoing basis (breeding) must be paid for.
In order for an animal to be sold using a free ad option, the Seller must be asking for no more than $100 per animal in a single litter to cover routine expenses. If you sell animals from more than one litter over any period of time, you will be considered a breeder and must post using a paid business ad.
If you feel your classified has been removed for a reason that you feel does not comply with our Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can contact us at to appeal its removal.
Once we have reviewed your comments, we will contact you and let you know about our decision. If we determine that a mistake has been made, your classified will be reinstated. If we determine that the content was rightfully removed, we will contact you and provide you with a brief reason.