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'A reminder that we are not alone': Hope in Motion raises record amount

More than $40,000 will go to patient care equipment at Hotel Dieu Shaver Hospital

Hotel Dieu Shaver Foundation hosted the 2nd annual Hope in Motion event at Canada Games Park. The event focuses on mobility inclusion, allowing participants to set their own challenge. Participants walked or wheeled their way around the track showing incredible determination to meet, and in many cases, exceed their personal goals.

Hope in Motion brought health-care staff, patients, program graduates and loved ones together, along with the caring Niagara community. Following the inaugural event last September, HDS Foundation saw incredible growth. This included 100 more participants than last year, and an amazing surge in sponsorship.

Hope in Motion surpassed its fundraising goal raising over $40,000, after expenses, for patient care equipment. Events like Hope in Motion come to life because of the amazing individuals who exemplify perseverance, resilience, and strength meeting their mobility goals.

“Hope in Motion is a homecoming to reunite with my HDS Family and fellow survivors. It’s a reminder that we are not alone. It brings a few tears, a few smiles, a chance to achieve one more goal and the opportunity to cheer on the one’s that are not as far along in their journey toward recovery and rejoining the world. It’s great to give back and give credit to those who gave me my life back and recognize how far I have come thanks to HDS,” said Byron, a past-patient at HDS and a Hope in Motion participant.

“For me, this event is much more than a mobility inclusive walk; it’s a way to give back to Hotel Dieu Shaver, the place that played a vital role in my recovery and continues to impact my life today. Their care was pivotal in my recovery after my stroke. Without the dedicated team at HDS, I wouldn’t be where I am today. The funds we raise will go directly toward upgrading their medical and rehabilitation equipment, helping others on their recovery journey,” said Allan, a past-patient at HDS and a Hope in Motion participant.
