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April comes in with the Lions spring sociable

Performer Pat Hewitt was recognized by the Thorold Lions Club for being an annual hit at last night's Spring Fling in Thorold South.

At the Thorold Lions' annual Spring Dinner Dance held last night, the "sociable" Pat Hewitt was honoured for playing a considerable part in the club's success.

Originally from the Maritimes, Hewitt is known for raising a glass and calling out "Sociable" in between singing and playing guitar.

Lion Sharon Major presented the award  to the GTA performer "In recognition of your joint efforts in community support with the Thorold Lions Club."

Major said that Hewitt's been a huge hit each year, attracting a crowd of 183 people last night for dinner and music at the JohnMichaels Banquet Centre. "We are growing bit by bit."

The Spring Fling is the Lions' biggest annual fundraiser, and "Pat has helped raise $7,000," she announced. After factoring in Saturday's proceeds, Majors estimated, "It should add up to $10,000."

The Lions Club assists with a number of local causes, including installing bike repair stations for Thorold cyclists, providing scholarships to Thorold Secondary students, contributing to service and dog guide training, assisting youth leadership, Community Care, and the Thorold Public Library, among many others.

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