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City partners with Heart Niagara to teach kids about cycle safety

'We are hopeful the participating students gain the confidence and training they need to ride safely in the streets of Thorold'

The City of Thorold’s Active Transportation Subcommittee has partnered with Heart Niagara to provide free cycle and wheel safety training to three hundred grade 4 and 5 students in Thorold this week.

The City’s subcommittee worked closely with Heart Niagara and other community partners to implement the program with the Niagara Catholic School Board and the District School Board of Niagara. From June 13 to 20, a number of program sessions will be taught at Richmond Street Public School, Prince of Wales Public School and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School.

“The City of Thorold’s Active Transportation Subcommittee is thrilled to be partnering with Heart Niagara to continue the tradition of the bike rodeo,” says Michael Milburn, Active Transportation Subcommittee Chair. “As a lifelong Thorold resident, avid cyclist and Chair of the subcommittee, I feel passionately about giving back to the community - and what better way of doing that than by teaching the younger generation the fundamentals of cycle and wheel safety. We are very excited to be launching this year’s program and are hopeful the participating students gain the confidence and training they need to ride safely in the streets of Thorold.”

While the cost of Heart Niagara’s program is usually $10 per student, the City is covering the cost for each student who wanted to participate.

“Heart Niagara appreciates the support of the City of Thorold’s Active Transportation Subcommittee for prioritizing cycling education,” says Karen Stearne, executive director of Heart Niagara. “The skills taught at the bike rodeos support students in making healthy and active choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of their whole self, others and their environment.”

With the support of local community partners including Niagara Student Transportation Services, BrokenSpoke and Bike Niagara, more than 50 new bicycle helmets, 30 sets of bicycle lights and 40 bicycle bells will also be distributed to Thorold students throughout the week.

Learn more about Heart Niagara’s bicycle safety program at


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