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City reconsiders staff presence at Lakeview Cemetery

Lakeview Cemetery staff is currently working out of the Community Arenas but the city is looking to bring them back on-site; 'There should be somebody there when you’re going through one of the worst times of your life'
lakeview cemetery
Lakeview Cemetery.

City Hall is looking into relocating cemetery staff back to Lakeview Cemetery.

The issue was brought forward by councillor John Kenny at Tuesday’s city council meeting.

“Right now we have three people working at the arena in an office with the two filing cabinets from the cemetery,” Councillor Kenny said. “Because of the work going on, there is a lot of jack hammering, you can’t even hear yourself talk. This is unacceptable.”

Councillor Kenny asked that the city relocate the staff back to the cemetery.

“My motion would be that a trailer or a small temporary office structure be placed on site to ensure that the staff be present and accessible during operating hours,” he said. “If somebody goes to the cemetery now all they get is a note. It’s not the way the city should operate. “

Other councillors agreed with councillor Kenny’s proposal.

“There should be somebody there when you’re going through one of the worst times of your life,” Councillor Ken Sentance said.

Councillor Carmen DeRose asked if the current building at Lakeview Cemetery could be occupied again in the future.

“I know that building has some asbestos issues and now they’re talking about tearing it down,” councillor DeRose said. “Is it not fixable at all? This is a necessity. It’s not a want, it’s a need.”

City Hall did not have an immediate answer but will present a report on the matter at a later date.


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