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Dan Pelletier announces retirement from TCAG

Executive Director says health issues from serious bike accident makes it impossible for him to continue
Dan Pelletier, Executive Director of TCAG has announced his retirement

After almost 8 years on the job, the Executive Director for Thorold Community Activities Group is clocking in for the last time. Dan Pelletier announced his retirement to the TCAG Board at a recent meeting, ending his role with the organization.

“It has been great to return to my home town after nineteen years away to be able to make a difference in the Thorold/Niagara community that I have always loved,” Pelletier said. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my role here at the TCAG over the past almost eight years but I am no longer able to properly fulfill my responsibilities due to ongoing health issues resulting from a serious cycling accident eight years ago.”

Pelletier joined TCAG after a 27-year long career with YMCA in southern Ontario, during which time the organization saw a 130% growth, the organization said.

While the pandemic quashed practically all of the group’s childcare- and recreational services, the TCAG now reports being on track of returning to pre-pandemic levels of activities. Looking forward, board president Ken MacQuarrie said a proposed agreement between the Thorold Senior Citizens Association, the city and TCAG to set up operations at 8 Carleton St North, including a proposed fitness centre on the vacant second floor, “would provide the Thorold community with a game-changing health/fitness amenity.”

“We also foresee growth potential in all of our program areas including Licensed Child Care, Recreational Volleyball and Day Camping. We just need the additional program space,” MacQuarrie said.

A search committee has been established to recruit a replacement for Dan within the next two months. Dan has agreed to support the transition to the new Executive Director.


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