TORONTO – Faron Vant of Niagara Falls has $170,532 to put toward his dreams after winning a Lotto Max second prize in the April 13, 2021 draw.
Faron said he won a free play with his regular numbers, and the free play is what won him this prize.
“I looked at the winning numbers and saw they had matched. The first thing I did was sign my ticket with a shaky hand!” he laughed. “I didn’t know how much I won yet, but I knew it was big. When I found out I was so happy and excited!”
The construction worker said he went into work that day and told everyone right away.
“They all said it was well deserved and were so happy for me,” he smiled.
Faron plans to travel when it’s safe again and share some with family. “I’m going to spread some joy amongst them!”
Lotto Max players in Ontario have won over $6.4 billion since 2009, including 86 jackpot wins and 714 Maxmillions prizes, right across the province. Lotto Max is $5 per play and draws take place on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The winning ticket was purchased at Happy One Stop Convenience on Main Street in Grimsby.