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ICYMI: Developer proposes downtown apartment complex for seniors

They want to build a three-storey 17-unit apartment complex on St. David St. West; 'I think it will be more affordable than a lot of the existing dwellings in the area'

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: A version of article was originally published by ThoroldToday on June 20.

Developer Marken Homes & Construction wants to build a three-storey 17-unit apartment building on St. David St. West.

William Heikoop, who is the planning manager for Upper Canada Consultants, gave a presentation on behalf of the developer at Tuesday’s city council meeting.

“We’ve purposely designed this in a manner that is compatible and represents similar architectural features to the surrounding low-density neighbourhood rather than a traditional apartment building,” Heikoop told council members. 

To build the complex, the developer is looking rezone the lots of 46 and 48 St. David St. W. 

When asked if the complex will facilitate student housing, Heikoop said that the developer is targeting a more mature audience.

“We’d like to target a more senior clientele here,” he said. “The size of the units are a little bit larger than you would see if we were looking to do student housing. We’ve purposely included an elevator in the design so that if people are challenged from an accessibility perspective they would be able to get up and down.”

The complex would come with 22 parking spaces in the back of the lot: one per tenant, and five spaces in total for visitors.

Even though the parking allotment meets the city’s standard of 1.25 parking space per unit, council has some questions concerning the expectation of every renter only having one car.

“We would be giving one parking space per unit,” stressed Heikoop. “If they need two, this is not the property or development for them. If they choose to park illegally that’s not something we can control but we put ourselves in the best position to create and propose a well-balanced parking ratio.”

Heikoop was also asked about the lack of green space on site.

“That is somewhat the nature of more intensified development,” he answered. “We did drop a unit on the main floor to have a common amenity room, multi purpose room, for the residents of that area. We feel that is sufficient along with a balcony for each unit that they would be able to put a table and have a couple of chairs on the outside.”

Heikoop also pointed to the nearby C. E. Grose Park that residents of the new complex would be able to utilize.

When it comes to the actual affordability of the units, the developer hasn’t decided on a price point yet.

“We don’t have construction budgets yet but we are looking at doing this as a market rental development,” said Heikoop. “There wouldn't be a condominium aspect but we’ve come forward with a design that we’re hoping to have a lower price point on. The design has been specifically done out of wood construction. I think it will be more affordable than a lot of the existing dwellings in the area but the exact number I don’t have for you tonight unfortunately.”

The presentation was for informational purposes only, and a planning report with recommendations will come to council at a later date. 

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Bernard Lansbergen

About the Author: Bernard Lansbergen

Bernard was born and raised in Belgium but moved to Canada in 2012 and has lived in Niagara since 2020. Bernard loves telling people’s stories and wants to get to know those that make Thorold into the great place it is
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