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Introducing kids to the joy of flight

The free Discover Aviation program at the Welland Airport is happening again on Saturday August 19, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

After a very successful event in 2022, the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) Discover Aviation program is happening again soon.

Discover Aviation is planned for Saturday August 19, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will take place at the Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport, (aka Welland Airport). COPA Flight 149 is hosting the event.

Doug Reilly, COPA Flight 149, Discover Aviation Coordinator said, “We are very excited about our August 19th Discover Aviation Day. Last year we were able to introduce 85 young people to the magic of flight. We had a waiting list of over 40 would be aviators, that were given “first dibs” in the 2023 program and quite a few have already registered.”

“This is an opportunity for young people, aged 8 to 20 years old, to experience the joy of flight, up close and personally in a small airplane. After the experience we gained last year, I think we can comfortably accommodate more that we had last year.”

There will be a mini ground school where the prospective aviators will get a chance to go over an airplane to discuss the various components and find out just how a plane is able to fly. There will also be a small static display with a couple of planes so the kids can familiarize themselves before they go for their actual flight.

Siblings and parents are welcome to come and take in the ground portion of the adventure.

The flights are about 20 minutes in duration, to explore a portion of the Welland Canal, the Lake Erie shoreline, and towns in the local vicinity. A light snack will be provided after the flight.

The flights are free of charge and are conducted by COPA Flight 149 pilots who are volunteering their time and aircraft to make your discovery flight possible. Each pilot is a member of COPA, licensed by Transport Canada and all the aircraft utilized meet the regulatory requirements to safely fly your loved ones.

For more information and to book your spot, please visit this website:

Or email Doug Reilly at [email protected]



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