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Name the road you love to hate: CAA begins Worst Roads campaign

No Thorold roads made the list last year, but Niagara Region was named and shamed

An annual tradition of naming and shaming the worst roads in Ontario begins today.

The 2019 edition of the CAA's Worst Roads campaign has kicked off, collecting nominations for anything from potholes and deteriorating pavement, to poor or non-existent cycling or walking infrastructure and poor road signs.

2018's top worst road in all of Ontario was Burlington St. E. in Hamilton.

No Thorold roads made the list last year, but Niagara Falls' appeared twice, with Drummond Rd. ranking sixth and McLeod Rd. ranking eight. Additionally, St. Catharines' Pelham Rd. barely broke through ranking ninth.

Breaking down the regional rankings, in 2018 Niaga Region's looked like this:

  1. Niagara Falls' Drummond Rd.
  2. Niagara Falls' McLeod Rd.
  3. St. Catharines' Pelham Rd.
  4. Fort Erie's Sider Rd.
  5. St. Catharines' Ontario St.

Nominations for worst road are being accepted until April 26 on the CAA's website.More than 3,500 roads were nominated last year from across Ontario; the highest number since CAA began its Worst Roads campaign, more than 15 years ago.


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