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Niagara area NDP members of parliament ask MTO to address Thorold Tunnel situation

Photo series below highlights just a few of the recent problems plaguing commuters who normally use the Thorold Tunnel

Niagara MPPs Jeff Burch, Jennie Stevens and Wayne Gates have sent a letter to the Hon. Caroline Mulroney, Ontario Minister of Transportation expressing the frustration being heaped on Niagara travellers due to the construction of the Thorold Tunnel compounded by recent the closure of Hwy. 20 and the scheduled two-day closure of the Allanburg bridge. Recent bridge and road closures by the MTO, the Seaway and CN Rail have travellers wondering if these agencies communicate with each other before acting.

Here is their letter in its entirety:
Dear Minister Mulroney:
We are sending you this urgent letter on behalf of the people of Niagara. For months now, thousands of Niagara drivers who rely on the Thorold tunnel daily have experienced inconvenience, delays and frustration. With the recent news that the Ministry of Transportation is ending two-way traffic through the Thorold tunnel, citizens and local leaders have come forward demanding an answer. Vehicles eastbound to Niagara Falls would have to find an alternative route, one that is already facing issues of congestion and construction closures.
This is not a minor inconvenience. It is estimated that 24,300 vehicles use the Thorold tunnel each day. Reconfiguration of traffic flow to only be in one direction-- cutting off access between Niagara Falls and Thorold--is not a solution; it will create an unmanageable amount of traffic that will ripple throughout the region.
We have spoken to local mayors who have brought concerns forward to us, and to your Ministry. What is clear is that there are larger issues with communication between the MTO, the Region and cities. The ongoing situation with the Thorold tunnel exemplifies how that line of communication has broken down. Health and safety are paramount. However, shutting down the tunnel for health and safety reasons does not mean that the closure will not cause health and safety concerns in other areas. This tunnel is vital for ambulances that need to transport individuals in need to larger hospitals in the region.
One-way traffic through the Thorold tunnel for the foreseeable future is not a solution; it creates a myriad of other issues and will result in major disruptions. The Mayor of Thorold and the Niagara Regional Chair have expressed their concerns and put forward additional suggestions that find a balance between ensuring our community is safe but also accessible and efficient.
The issue with the Thorold tunnel presents an opportunity for renewed communication. We would request a prompt meeting between local leaders and your Ministry in order to find a solution that accounts for our community who have expressed deep concern with this closure. 

Jeff Burch, MPP Niagara Centre
Wayne Gates , MPP Niagara Falls
Jennie Stevens, MPP St. Catharines