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Olympics can be a learning experience along with entertainment: Brock experts

The Olympic Games can be more than just about the competition
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With the Paris 2024 Olympics right around the corner, experts from Brock University’s Faculty of Education are weighing in on how the global event can be used to create meaningful learning moments for young spectators.  

Engaging children in Olympic–themed activities and discussions promotes development in the four domains of physical literacy for youth: physical, psychological, cognitive and social, says Assistant Professor Jaime Barratt.

“For example, young children can learn about teamwork, co-operation, fair play and respect for others — all necessary skills in Olympic sports such as relay and hockey,” she says.

The Olympics can also drive discussions on the important role that dedication, hard work and perseverance can play in helping youth to achieve their goals, she adds. This is especially important for children when they are learning how to self-regulate emotions and develop self-awareness.

For child-care providers and parents looking to integrate the Games into their day-to-day activities, Barratt suggests scheduling a ‘Mini Olympics Day.’ 

“Recreating the format of the Olympics by inviting parents and family members to play and engage in activities alongside children gives everyone the opportunity to not only celebrate the spirit of the Olympics, but also the cultural diversity and talents of those in attendance,” she says. 

Professor David Hutchison says the Summer Games present an opportunity for athletes and spectators alike to reflect on the Olympics’ underlying values: excellence, respect and friendship

He says parents and caregivers can plan activities to help their children engage with the Games by: 

  • Recreating the 100-metre dash in a local park by measuring the distance from the start to the end of the race (taking 100 long strides if a measuring tool isn’t available) and comparing results with Olympic and world record times.
  • Reviewing the list of Olympic sports with children and asking them which event they would be most interested in training for and competing in.
  • Picking a Canadian athlete who is competing in the Olympics and writing a one-paragraph biography about their life and accomplishments in their sport.
  • As a family, researching how France has prepared for the Olympics, including what new Olympic venues were built, how many athletes and attendees were expected throughout, and how much the Olympics cost to host.

Professor Chunlei Lu says that learning about competing countries can be an engaging way to enjoy the diversity of the Olympics. 

Lu suggests family members and friends pick countries to follow, tracking overall rankings each day in a ‘mini competition’ while also learning more about the background of each nation.

“Try to find events that inspire and motivate you,” Lu says. “All Olympic athletes have stories about how they began their Olympic journeys as young people.”
