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Prone to parking violations? Your days are numbered

The city has issued 1019 parking tickets this year so far, compared to a total of 3898 tickets in 2023...but that's all about to change
Bob Liddycoat / ThoroldToday

Are you prone to parking violations? Expect to receive a ticket sooner rather than later.

The city’s by-law department is upping their staff numbers and they're getting ready to hand out tickets.

According to a new City Hall report, there were only 284 parking tickets issued in the first quarter of this year, and 735 in the second quarter.

This number pales in comparison to 2023, when a total of 3898 parking tickets were issued.

The matter was briefly discussed during Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

“In comparison to 2023, we’ve issued a lot fewer,” said Councillor Tim O’Hare. “That’s either due to not having a full by-law parking enforcement staff or people are learning not to get tickets. Which one might it be?”

Director of Development Services Jason Simpson explained that it is the former.

“At the beginning of the year we were down staff,” he said. “We didn’t have parking enforcement officers for a while. Therefore our numbers were significantly reduced as a result.”

Although parking tickets have gone up in the second quarter of the year, the city is currently down a parking enforcement officer again.

“Two parking enforcement officers just received promotions,” said Simpson. “We just filled one of the positions this week and we are hoping to fill the second one shortly.”

So make sure to check the signage before you park your car. Otherwise, it might not be too long until you receive a ticket.

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Bernard Lansbergen

About the Author: Bernard Lansbergen

Bernard was born and raised in Belgium but moved to Canada in 2012 and has lived in Niagara since 2020. Bernard loves telling people’s stories and wants to get to know those that make Thorold into the great place it is.
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