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The Legion's rockin' so come on in

Even when they're having fun, Emergency Medical Services workers are helping the community
Paramedics Ken Smalko (l), and Dan Favero invite everyone to the Legion this Saturday for some rocking fun. Bob Liddycoat / Thorold News

What started out as an event to let off a little steam has grown into a night of fun with a purpose.

Paramedics Dan Favero and Ken Smalko, along with Jeannie Soper of Thorold's Legion Branch 17, are inviting everyone to take part in a rocking night of fun and at the same time, provide a little help to a local support group.

Favero told ThoroldNews that three bands, comprised mostly of Niagara EMS personnel, will play at the Legion this Saturday, March 16 beginning at 8:30 p.m.

"We've got the Honey Badgers, the Punkin Sitters and D and the Jays," he said. "They're all donating their time."

He said the event grew from an idea he and Smalko had. "We wanted to let loose and have a rocking party for medics, but we decided to turn it into a fundraiser for the PTSD Group," he explained.

The Oath Taker PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Support Group meets at the Legion twice a month. They provide support to police, fire, EMS, corrections, military officers and veterans.

"We wanted to help this group," added Smalko. "Admission is free. There will be some prizes and we'll pass the hat for donations, but that's it as far as the fundraising goes."

"The focus is still going to be a fun night of rock and roll and everyone is welcome," added Favero. 

Smalko stressed that it's events like this that help keep the Legion operating and providing a home for groups like the Oath Takers.

"We provide a space for important support groups like this to meet at no cost. Where else can they go?" asked Smalko.

For anyone interested in the PTSD support group, they meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Thorold Legion Branch 17, 3 Ormond St. South.

More information can be found on their website or Facebook page.

The Legion is also hosting a St. Patricks Day bash, Friday night March 15, featuring two very popular bands, Figure Four and the Pub Jugs.


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