Get ready to go on a treasure hunt through Thorold when the community-wide garage sale returns Saturday, Sept. 14.
Or if you’re in a downsizing, purging stage, take the opportunity to get rid of some of those treasures you’ve collected over the years.
The 21st annual event, founded by Lois and Craig Finlay, runs from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., with a rain date of Sunday, Sept. 15.
Organizer Dave Coplen say the garage sale has attracted between 100 and 112 registrations over the last three years. Those homes go on a map that will be printed and available the day of the event, and he’s aware there are always more people who participate but don’t register.
There is a map online showing the 35 homes already registered, he says, with the deadline for registering Sept. 12.
Many of those on the map will have more than one family involved at any given address, he says — he takes part in the sale at the home of his in-laws at 47 Clairmont Street, which has three families involved.
They are right across the street from the Finlays, who are still participating in the sale at 44 Clairmont St.
A few years ago, he explains, the Finlays asked him to “modernize” the event with a website and Facebook page, which he has done, and then asked him to take over the organizing of the event, which he is doing for them for the first time this year.
Those who want to participate can visit for more information, and to register, view the new interactive map, or find out more about the history of the event and other community offerings the day of the sale.
“There’s a lot going on that day in Thorold,” says Coplen, who is counting on a good-weather Saturday. As long as he can remember, going back about 10 years, he adds, there hasn’t been a rain date needed for the event.
This year the Thorold Community Wide Garage Sale is also promoting the Thorold BIA's Historic Downtown Sidewalk Sale, which happens the same day, during business hours, he says.
It’s also the day of the Grande Finale Community Market from 11 a.m. to 3 the Battle of Beaverdams Park, with local farmers selling fresh produce and artisans with handmade products, clothing and other goods, and also featuring Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars cover bands.
In previous years the Thorold Community Wide Garage Sale has drawn bargain hunters from all over southern Ontario, upstate New York and North East Pennsylvania, says Coplen — he’s had visitors from those areas at his family garage sale. They find out about it on Facebook pages for people looking for group garage sales to visit, such as the one in Thorold, and also those looking for places to sell their own collections.
He likes the idea of promoting a community day in Thorold with lots going on, and attracting even more visitors to town for local events.
Coplen also encourages anyone who lives in an apartment and wants to participate to reach out to him by email at [email protected], or check out the Thorold Community Wide Garage Sale Facebook page. If none of those options work, call him at 289-969-4513 for help finding a volunteer who will share their driveway.
Free printed maps will be available at 44 and 47 Clairmont Street in Thorold on the day of the sale.