Niagara book retailer BookDepot with its main warehouse in Thorold has taken its website down following what the company described as a ‘cybersecurity incident.’
On Tuesday morning, visitors to the company website received a message that the company’s IT systems had been taken offline due to the incident, but did not specify the extent of the breach, or what systems had been impacted.
When reached by phone by ThoroldToday, an employee said no one from the company was available for comment at the time, but claimed that customers financial information was not at risk.
The company’s physical store on Welland Avenue was closed on both Monday and Tuesday as a result of the incident.
According to the statement posted to the website, the incident occurred on September 22.
BookDepot is one of the biggest book retailers in North America.
Its Thorold warehouse employs over 400 people.
“We have taken immediate action, have notified authorities and have engaged with cybersecurity experts who are assisting us with investigating this matter further,” the statement concluded.
ThoroldToday has reached out to NRPS for comment on the matter.