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Tunnel rehabilitation underway

Full closures, lane and ramp closures, and shuttle service included in plans.
MTO Thorold Tunnel Camera

MTO Notice of Tunnel Construction
News Release
Aecon Construction Materials Limited (Aecon) will be rehabilitating the Thorold Tunnel and occupying Highway (Hwy) 58 for construction activities from Pine Street to Davis Drive in Thorold, Ontario. The installation of construction and advanced notification signage will be completed in March, 2019 prior to construction start on March 18, 2019. Three portable variable message signs (PVMS) will be installed on Hwy 406 to advise public traffic of construction activities occurring on Hwy 58.

For 2019 construction staging, Hwy 58 Northbound (NB) will be reduced to a single lane nightly for public traffic and the following will be implemented:
▪ The single lane configuration for Hwy 58 NB is expected to be in place nightly from now through March 31, 2019.
▪ Temporary single lane closures will occur Monday to Friday from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m.

In addition to the single lane configuration, there will be a full closure of Hwy 58 NB:
▪ This full closure will occur between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m., and is tentatively scheduled to occur on April 1, 2019.
▪ During the full closures of Hwy 58 NB, detour routes will be in place with appropriate signage to direct public traffic.
▪ A shuttle service will also be provided by Aecon to facilitate the transport of any pedestrian traffic wishing to cross the tunnel during full closures of the sidewalk through the NB tunnel.

During the full closures, a temporary concrete barrier (TCB) will be placed through the centre of the NB tunnel to facilitate bidirectional traffic.
▪ Once the TCB is in place, public traffic will be in single lane configuration in the North Tube of the Thorold Tunnel – one lane of traffic in each direction. The Southbound (SB) Tube of the Thorold Tunnel will be permanently closed to public traffic until November 15, 2019.
▪ From April 1, 2019 to November 15, 2019 there will be no access to Hwy 58 SB from Pine Street. Detour routes will be in place with appropriate signage to direct public traffic.
▪ From April 1, 2019 to November 15, 2019 Davis Road North of Hwy 58/Thorold Stone Road will be closed to public traffic. Detour routes will be in place with appropriate signage to direct public traffic.