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Who has Thorold's most beautiful rose?

The Thorold Garden Club is hosting its annual Rose & Flower Show at the Thorold Seniors' Centre on Saturday, June 18

A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose...but which is the most beautiful one?

After going virtual for the past two years, the Thorold Garden Club is back to hosting its annual Rose & Flower Show at the Thorold Seniors’ Centre on Saturday, June 18.

“It’s a judged show so there are certain rules,” says the president of the Thorold Garden Club Leslie Daniels, in an interview with ThoroldToday. “Anyone that has roses or flowers can pick up an entry form. They cut a good looking rose or flower. They bring it into the centre on Saturday morning. We name it and we put it in a category.”

A judge from the Ontario Horticultural Association then comes in to judge all the entries.

“We’re not allowed to talk to her, we’re not allowed to have any conversation,” says Daniels. “We just follow her around. When she leaves we open it up to the public to come in and see all the entries and winners.”

Even though the Thorold Garden Club has successfully organized virtual shows in the past, Daniels says nothing can compare to an in-person show.

“A virtual show was basically photos and it was judged the same way,” she says. “That’s a completely different type of show because if you’re not good at taking a picture, your rose is not going to look good. Even though it might be a winner, it might not win. We did it for two years and now we're going to have our first one in person again."

To learn more about the Flower & Rose Show you can download a brochure here. Entry forms can be picked up at the Thorold Seniors’ Centre or at City Hall.

You can register your rose or flower starting 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 18. The general public can come look at all the entries between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

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Bernard Lansbergen

About the Author: Bernard Lansbergen

Bernard was born and raised in Belgium but moved to Canada in 2012 and has lived in Niagara since 2020. Bernard loves telling people’s stories and wants to get to know those that make Thorold into the great place it is.
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