Members of the Niagara Falls Street Crime Unit commenced a two month investigation with regards to a rash of commercial and residential break and enters that were occurring in the City of Niagara Falls.
During this investigation police gathered evidence through various investigative techniques that identified several suspects and locations where some of the stolen property was located.
Police executed several search warrants which recovered numerous stolen items that were returned to their rightful owners. Five people have been arrested and charged with the following offences:
49-year-old Jason Perkins of Niagara Falls:
- Break and Enter with Intent x7 Section 348(1)(a)CC
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Section 355(a) CC
36-year-old Guy Moore of Niagara Falls
- Break and Enter Commit Theft Section 348(1)(b)CC
- Possession of stolen Property Section 355(a)CC
- Theft of a Motor Vehicle Section 333.1(1)CC
- Breach of Probation 733.1(1)CC
- Break and Enter with Intent x7 Section 348(1)(a)CC
- Break and Enter commit Theft Section 348(1)(b)CC
38-year-old Jamie Lemoine of Niagara Falls:
- Break and Enter commit Theft x2 Section 348(1)(b)CC
- Possession of Property Obtained by Crime 355(b)CC
39-year-old Michael Shelton of Niagara Falls:
- Break and Enter commit Theft X3 Section 348(1)(b) CC
- Break and Enter with Intent Section 348(1)(a)CC
- Trafficking in Property Obtained by Crime X2 355.5(1)CC
- Theft from Motor Vehicle under $5,000 Section 334(b)CC
- Mischief Under $5,000 x3 Section 430(4)CC
- Possession of Break and Enter Instruments x2 351(1)(a)CC
- Carry Concealed Weapon Section 90(1)CC
- Possession of a Controlled Substance 4(1)CDSA