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No, driving while watching a video on your phone is not OK

Two nabbed for distracted driving at Thorold RIDE check
RIDE check
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On Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024, members of the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) conducted RIDE spot checks in the Town of Lincoln and City of Thorold.

Throughout the night, officers stopped approximately 650 vehicles and inquired if any of the drivers had consumed any alcohol or drugs earlier in the evening. In total, 21 drivers were required to provide a sample of their breath for analysis. Each one of these drivers provided a sample that resulted in an acceptable range and were free to drive away.

Two drivers entered the RIDE checkpoint and were found to be operating their hand-held communication devices (mobile phones). One of those drivers had their device mounted to their dashboard above their steering wheel and were watching a video while operating their vehicle. Both drivers were subsequently charged and issued tickets under the Highway Traffic Act. 

The Niagara Regional Police Service remains committed to reducing impaired driving offences through education and the apprehension of offenders through enforcement programs like RIDE.

Impaired driving remains the leading criminal offence causing death in Canada.

This initiative has been made possible, in part, as a result of grant funding from the Ministry of the Solicitor General as part of the Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) program.
