The Niagara Regional Police Service commenced Operation Loud and Clear in April 2021 in response to complaints of vehicles being operated within the community causing excessive noise. The Niagara Regional Police Service have stepped up enforcement of motor vehicles with defects or that have been modified to become louder.
Members of the Traffic Enforcement Unit along with Uniform Patrol officers from all districts of the Region have conducted hundreds of traffic stops relating to this initiative. To date, the following 229 charges have been laid;
62 - No mufflers
50 - Improper mufflers
75 - Unnecessary noise
42 - Other charges directly related to loud vehicles, including three suspended drivers and three vehicles being operating with no insurance.
Police are continuing to investigate traffic complaints related to this initiative. Enforcement of loud vehicles will continue throughout the summer months until the conclusion on September 30th, 2021. Enforcement will then continue year round.
Motorists are reminded that it is the driver's responsibility to ensure the vehicle complies with the regulations set out in the Highway Traffic Act before being operated on a roadway. All motorists are encouraged to ensure any repairs and modifications are legal and safe.
The Niagara Regional Police Service is dedicated to road safety and keeping noise levels emitted from vehicles to an acceptable level, not unnecessarily disrupting members of the community.