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Police make 147 traffic stops on back to school safety day

Officers concentrated on speeding, distracted and aggressive driving and seat belt violations
Niagara Regional Police Service file photo

On the first day of school for the last 24 years officers from the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) have headed out to the roads and streets of Niagara to reconfirm out commitment to traffic safety.

On Sept. 3, 50 plus officers took part in the annual NRPS Back to School Traffic Safety and Awareness Day.  Senior officers and officers not assigned to frontline policing (e.g., detectives) were assigned to Community Safety Zones across Niagara to remind motorists through education and enforcement of the need to drive safe especially in areas near schools.

This year officers focused on:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Seat belt infractions
  • Aggressive driving

Officers conducted 147 traffic stops of vehicles related to the NRPS Back to School Traffic Safety and Awareness Day across Niagara. Officers issued 57 provincial offences notices (tickets) for speeding and 29 other tickets for various provincial offences under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario (86 total).  56 warnings were also issued. Three drivers were arrested when they were found to have outstanding arrest warrants.

Motorists are reminded to drive defensively, which includes increased eye lead and scanning ahead when driving. Defensive driving can better allow motorists to see a stopped school bus or a crossing guard performing their duties.

The Niagara Regional Police Service is dedicated to ensuring road safety year-round. Officers will continue in prioritizing traffic safety within school zones, concentrating on drivers who exhibit aggressive behaviour or distracted driving.

The Niagara Regional Police Service strongly encourages all motorists to stay alert, drive carefully, and remain mindful of their surroundings, particularly near schools and educational institutions.
