Every Thursday evening throughout the summer, thousands of people from across Niagara and beyond are likely to be bobbing their heads to the music at the Fonthill Bandshell Concert series. The 12-concert summer lineup is organized by a group of volunteer board members, and conducted each Thursday between June 20 and September 5.
The performances draw audiences not just from Pelham, but from elsewhere in Niagara, Hamilton, and the occasional upstate New Yorker, with tribute bands often appealing to a Boomer demographic.
Pelham Bandshell Board Chair Gayle Baltjes-Chataway said the board running the show is made up of 12 volunteers, many of whom have volunteered with the group for more than a decade. Another half-dozen volunteers also assist with the concerts.

Baltjes-Chataway has held that position for 18 years, dating back to when the idea was first conceived as part of the celebrations around Pelham's 150 anniversary celebrations.
She called the volunteers a “dedicated bunch.”
“On average, they probably give about 200 hours of volunteer hours each and every year between board meetings, the selection process and for the for actual concerts,” she said. “On Thursdays in the park. We're here from six o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock every Thursday night between set up and tear down”
“We built the Bandshell for the community with the hope that we would be bringing live music each and every week,” she said.
Nineteen years later, that group is still getting together to present the weekly Thursday night concerts. Baltjes-Chataway said over the years they had considered other days, but as the event is volunteer run, it turned out to be too much for the small volunteer group.
“We've stuck with Thursdays ever since,” she said.
It was yeah, like being in an economy seat for two hours but you were dancing and clapping the entire time
The concerts tend to be family-friendly music, noted Baltjes-Chataway, adding, “We have everything from blues, rock and roll, classic rock. Anything and everything that we think that people might like, we bring to the community.”
Selecting the bands who perform is a process in itself. Around 250 musical acts are on their list of consideration. At the end of the season, suggestions from the audience and the volunteers are also added to the list.
“Other musicians recommend their friends that they think might be suitable for our venue. And the list grows and grows,” she said. “And at the end of each season, we look at that list and start, once again, planning for the following year and ultimately through a vetting and voting process, get it down to the final 12 that make it on the next season’s stage.”
Baltjes-Chataway said some of her favourite memories include watching Elvis impersonators.
She said they had been “blessed” over the years with many wonderful musical acts. On average, the concerts bring out around 2,000 or 3,000 people, she said. Busier nights can have as many as 5,000.
The most people, however, was for an ABBA tribute show which brought nearly 7,500 people to Peace Park.
“Nobody was complaining about it. That we were shoulder-to-shoulder. It was yeah, like being in an economy seat for two hours but you were dancing and clapping the entire time.”
This year, the concerts begin on June 20, with Dawn Tyler Watson opening the series. Each Thursday until Sept. 5 there will be different acts performing.
Baltjes-Chataway said the Bandshell committee is a non-profit organization that is totally sustained through the kindness and donations of the people that come out and support them. She said the group passes around a collection plate during the show, but added that e-transfers may also be sent to [email protected] to help support the committee.
To learn more about which musical acts are performing, visit fonthillbandshell.com