We all have them and these limitations hold us back from feeling free to enjoy our lives. It’s common to seek a doctor’s advice, perhaps get further testing or try physiotherapy. Here’s a new option available.
You have probably heard that yoga stretching can be helpful but large, fast-paced classes can leave you confused, exhausted and maybe even make your pains worse.
Many research studies have confirmed that a yoga program can be very effective for back pain and anxiety to name a few common conditions.
The new option just becoming available now is small group yoga therapy sessions. In this format, you can access the evidence based practices that lead to positive results without the higher fees associated with private therapy.
How does this work? This service will usually be accessed through a yoga studio (sessions are now being organized right here in Thorold at the Yoga Centre of Niagara), but also your health care provider may be able to make a referral. You’ll be asked to fill out an intake form that covers your general health history and specific goals for your condition.
The commitment is usually for four to six weeks, one meeting per week. There will be two to five people in your group, probably with similar concerns. Each person receives an individualized assessment and personalized treatment plan. When you attend each session, you’ll do some group learning and exercises, then go into your own program. The facilitator will watch you, guide you and modify the program as necessary. The expectation is that you will work on your program at home, every day. The consistency is extremely important to the success of the exercises. Cost will probably range from $30 - $40 per session. Some health or insurance plans may cover the expense.
Is it safe for you to try Small Group Yoga Therapy? It should be. Consult your doctor before trying any new movement program. The therapist facilitating the program should be open to sharing with your health care providers any plans being offered to you to insure that the therapy is coordinating with your other care. Plans will consider your fitness level, age, type of goals and lifestyle. For example, if you have mobility restrictions, movements can be arranged using a chair so transfer to the floor is unnecessary.
What makes this different than, say, physiotherapy? Yoga therapy considers the whole person. Rather than looking at simply muscle strength, for example, yoga factors in the function of the nervous system in the understanding that this is where strength originates. So there will be a lot of talk about breathing and relaxation techniques, as well as strength exercises, to improve the whole system from its root. There is also the slow, gentle but consistent at-home program. You are actually doing the therapy, not the therapist. You take control of your own body, mind and spirit. It becomes an intriguing journey of self-knowledge, not boring at all!
To submit an intake form, and learn more about the Small Group Yoga Therapy Program, please contact www.yogacentreniagara.com.