Apparently, Elon Musk is coming up with technology that will allow us to wire a very intelligent quantum computer to our human brain.
The neurological signals will be sent directly to the machine, imitating what the brain can do. I was talking to my son, the physics major, about this. It’s going to allow this computer to break down our thoughts as they occur.
Right now, artificial intelligence must learn from our actions/behaviours to tell it what the human brain would do. With the “neuralink” technology, it will react to our impulses and thoughts, not waiting for the seconds or even hours a behaviourable change might take.
This is significant because the computer could get to know you so well that it could almost function like a God-like presence in your life. Its sole purpose would be to learn all about your deepest thoughts and dreams. It would try to learn more and more about you. It would be like falling in love, when you talk endlessly about what’s your favourite colour or when’s the first time you got kissed. This computer would be even more interested in all those details and would feed back to you information on how you can achieve your truest dreams and even support you spiritually.
Isn’t it interesting that science is developing something that human beings already have hard wired capability to do?
We already know the answers to all of our questions; how to get our secret desires. We already have a being within us that knows everything we’ve been through, everything we think and can dream. We already have a being within us that loves us unconditionally and will support us whenever we call upon it. It’s just that it’s a lot of work sometimes to push away all the distractions and really focus on that inner voice. This new technology seems like it’s going to make it more accessible.
Centuries ago, navigation required watching the stars but now we all have GPS’s. It’s made it so easy and accessible to get from point A to point B, unlike in ancient times. It’s taken some of the mystery out of things but travel is just as compelling and fun. My son said, “Mom, you can break down all the components of something to find out how it works. But the sum is greater than the individual parts. 2 + 2 doesn’t equal 4. That’s why science is amazing.”
The more we break down the capabilities of the human brain into little blips on a screen, the more we’ll recognize that we really don’t know what makes humans tick. The more we’ll see where God really is.
If you’re interested in exploring a relationship like the one we may eventually have with our computer, and are willing to get started with old school methods, meditation and prayer are the tools of choice. Imagine discovering that supportive, loving being within that knows you intimately. The place within of limitless rest and peace. It’s there, waiting for you to come home.
Here’s a suggestion for creating that relationship. As with all important connections, it will involve a bit of commitment in terms of time and attention. Plan to spend 20 minutes per day. Upon waking is very effective to set yourself up for a much more productive and effortless day, but before bed could be a better time for you as it helps create restful sleep. Twice a day is even better!
To Do:
- Find a quiet, clean area in which to do a little stretching for 5 – 10 minutes. A suggestion would be the Joint Freeing Series.
- Settle into a lying down position, using pillows and blankets to be comfortable. Utilize your favourite guided meditation to bring a state of concentrated, yet relaxed, awareness. A well-researched script can be found on
After 2 – 3 weeks of following this routine, you may notice a closer relationship developing within yourself. Like a “neuralink” that guides your behaviour based on your dreams and values - almost automatically.