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Confusion at council concerning Canada Community-Building Fund

Money from the fund comes with a focus on housing; 'What do we do? Pay off developers to build houses faster?'
Thorold City Hall.

City Hall is getting funding from the federal government, but there’s some confusion as to what the money’s for.

The Canada Community-Building Fund — formerly known as the Federal Gas Tax program — has been provided to invest into priority infrastructure projects, such as roads and storm sewers.

The annual allotment is distributed according to the size of the population. In 2024, Thorold will receive $748,777.91 which is projected to increase incrementally every year up to $811,176.07 in 2028.

The fund comes with a focus on housing: municipalities with populations of 30,000 or more must complete a Housing Needs Assessment by March 2025, and smaller municipalities with housing pressures are encouraged to develop one. 

But some councillors have questions concerning the funding and its requirements.

“The City of Thorold is not responsible for housing,” said Councillor Henry D’Angela, during Tuesday’s city council meeting. “That’s a regional goal. Are they doing a housing assessment plan and is Thorold included in that plan? The expectation of citizens of Thorold is that they do want more types of housing but it’s not within the mandate of Thorold City Council.”

The Director of Development Services, Jason Simpson, said he didn’t have an answer to that question at this time.

Councillor Jim Handley wants to know how giving money to municipalities is supposed to speed up development.

“What do we do? Pay off developers to build houses faster?” he asked.

Mayor Terry Ugulini answered that “they’re trying to make sure that the infrastructure is in place to do the development that’s needed.”

But Councillor Handley pointed out that the city is not responsible for infrastructure in new developments.

“The developers are still responsible for infrastructure that is relevant to their specific development,” explained Simpson further. “But if the city is required to upgrade infrastructure or install new infrastructure that is going to service new undeveloped areas, that’s something the city would be responsible for and then the developer would be responsible for the infrastructure specific to their development.”

But that answer didn’t put a stop to the confusion.

“I’m just wondering why they’re giving us this funding,” said Councillor Handley. “It’s confusing why we’re getting this money when developers are going to pay for it anyway. So what are we going to be doing with the money? That’s my question.”

In the end, council approved the funding, with the hope that there will be more answers in the future.

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Bernard Lansbergen

About the Author: Bernard Lansbergen

Bernard was born and raised in Belgium but moved to Canada in 2012 and has lived in Niagara since 2020. Bernard loves telling people’s stories and wants to get to know those that make Thorold into the great place it is.
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