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Niagara Falls drafts climate adaptation plan

The draft plan will be brought to city council this fall
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Since the beginning of 2023, the City of Niagara Falls has been working proactively, convening project stakeholders from across the community to collaboratively create a plan that will increase the adaptive capacity of Niagara Falls to the impacts of our changing climate.  Residents and stakeholders have followed updates on 

The Plan development process began in February of this year and followed ICLEI Canada’s BARC (Building Adaptative and Resilient Communities) Milestones 1-3 process, which has been used in hundreds of Canadian Municipalities. Climate projections and data guided the project working group to identify and prioritize which climate change impacts Niagara Falls was most vulnerable and at highest risk to. 

A vision, goals and actions were then collectively identified by the project working group and members of the business community to address the impacts Niagara Falls is already or predicted to experience. The Draft Plan is online now and community and business members can provide general feedback as well as consider opportunities for engagement with the plan’s implementation. Comments and feedback on the plan are welcomed on or before Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.  
Actions within the plan primarily address adapting to climate change, but also include some first key actions related to mitigating climate change (reducing greenhouse gasses), and working to avoid the unmanageable. Adaptation includes preparing for extreme weather such as floods and extreme heat.  The prioritized action details in the plan lay out the framework that will move this community project from the planning stage to the implementation phase over the coming 5 years.
The draft plan will be brought to City Council this Fall.  
